Moments in Birtle History: The Arrow Mill Fire

In 1890, the Arrow Mill was built on the south bank of the Birdtail River at the north end of 10th Street.
Arrow Mill

In 1890, the Arrow Mill was built on the south bank of the Birdtail River at the north end of 10th Street.

The first mill, around 1900
The first mill, around 1900

It operated under different names until 1926, when a devastating fire completely destroyed the mill and killed its owner, George Defoe.

The Manitoba Historical Society notes that the remains of the mill have been marked with a commemorative sign.

The Arrow Mill Fire
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For a more complete story of the mill, visit Passing It On (pp 27–28), a history of the RM and Town of Birtle from 1884 to 2009, also available online at the University of Manitoba.

For a more complete story of the mill, visit Passing It On (pp 27–28), a history of the RM and Town of Birtle from 1884 to 2009, also available online at the University of Manitoba.

From the Manitoba Free Press for March 1926.
March 1926

From the Manitoba Free Press for March 1926. For a larger image of the article, click on the article or this link.

Photos by A.J. Lawrence.

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